Solution Paper
For your Solution Paper, you will look at one of the environmental sustainability problems you came across in your research for your Multimodal Project and argue for a solution to that problem. The solution should be yours, not multiple solutions or a list of solutions already tried. If you find that you need multiple solutions that work together to solve the problem, consider arguing for a program that would involve the solutions. Remember to focus on the solution, not the problem.
Dates to Remember
26 Mar. Annotated Bib 1 due
28 Mar. Annotated Bib 2 due
4 Apr. Workshop 1
11 Apr. Workshop 2
29 Apr. Project and Reflection
Assignment Guidelines
This project should be done by yourself.
The key to this project is balance.
Spend as little time as possible on the problem you are solving. You should spend enough time on the problem as needed to give your audience a clear idea of what the problem is. However, your problem should not take up more than about 20% of your total paper.
Include a synthesis of the solutions that have been attempted for this problem. Your synthesis should be concise and build an opening for your solution.
Include a GAP STATEMENT. A gap statement is your argumentative statement, or thesis, that says what you are going to argue and what everyone else missed.
Spend the rest of your paper, about 70%, arguing for your solution, the one you came up with and think will work the best for the people, the ecosystem, and the global environment.
This project should be between 1500 and 2000 words and include at least 5 sources.
Annotated Bibliography: You will turn in your Annotated Bibliography in two parts—five sources each time. You should include the source citation, 2-3 sentences summarizing/describing the source, and 1-2 sentences about how you plan on using the source. See the Schedule for due dates.
Please also include a Works Cited page and cite all media (that is everything) in 2016 MLA. I can help you with this, and the Student Writing Center (one visit required--up to four for extra credit--and I cannot tutor you) can help you with this.

The process paper for your Solution project should be around 500 words and be more of a reflection of how you came to your topic, your decisions, your goals, and what you want your audience to walk away with.

Image: forest path from National Geographic