
Week 1

Tuesday,15 Jan 2019
The Syllabus and the website
Bring questions about the Syllabus and anything else on the website. Email at least 3 questions using the CONTACT ME on the main SYLLABUS page before class
Thursday,17 Jan 2019
Berners-Lee, How Bad Are Bananas?:
“Introduction” (p. 1)
“A Quick Guide to Carbon Footprints” (p. 5)
“10 to 100 grammes” (p. 24)
“100 grammes to 1 kilo” (p. 37), specifically
A 500 ml bottle of water (p. 44)
A pint of beer (p. 50)
1 kg (2.2 lbs.) of trash (p. 61)
Doing the dishes (p. 64)
A roll of toilet paper (p. 65)
Driving 1 mile (p. 66)
A red rose (p. 70)
1 kg (2.2 lbs.)of boiled potatoes (p. 71)
A pint of milk (p. 72)
1 kg (2.2 lbs.) of cement (p. 75)
Bring 3 question about the reading to aid in dicussion; turn them in
Week 2
Berners-Lee, How Bad Are Bananas?:
“1 kilo to 10 kilos” (p. 77), specifically
A paperback book (p. 77)
A loaf of bread (p. 79)
A bottle of wine (p. 80)
A load of laundry (p. 86)
A burger (p. 88)
A quart of gasoline (p. 89)
A pair of pants (p. 94)
A steak (p. 97)
A carton of 12 eggs (p. 98)
“10 kilos to 100 kilos” (p. 105), specifically
A congested commute by car (p. 107)
A carpet (p. 112)
Using a cellular phone (p. 113)
Being cremated (p. 115)
“100 kilos to 1 tonne” (p. 116), specifically
A computer (and using it) (p. 123)
“1 tonne to 10 tonnes” (p. 131)
“10 tonnes to 100 tonnes” (p. 139)
“More about Food” (p. 175)
Bring 3 question about the reading to aid in dicussion; turn them in
Tuesday,22 Jan 2019
Thursday,24 Jan 2019
Campbell, “Why the Silence on Population” (in Readings folder in the Course folder on Drive)
Ludden, “Should We be Having Children in the Face of Climate Change?” (and Listen)​
Turn in dialectical notebook with at least 3 entries
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <https://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (1)
104: Ahmed
105: Nicolle, Julia, & Andrew

Week 3
Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
"The Honorable Harvest" (p. 175)
"The Gift of Strawberries" (p. 22)
Turn in dialectical notebook with at least 3 entries​
105: Colin, Thomas, & Jeremy
Tuesday,29 Jan 2019
Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
"Skywoman Falling" (p. 1)
"In the Footsteps of Nanabozho" (p. 205)
Turn in reading response (at least 500 words)
Turn in Footprint Exploration
due in your Footprint Analysis folder in Drive by Midnight
if you are presenting your Footprint Exploration, be prepared to present
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (2)
Thursday,31 Jan 2019

Week 4
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Kantner, "Caribou Currency" (p. 238)
Jans, "Caribou Time" (p. 270)
Multimodal project: Annotated bibliography 1 (first 5 sources). See project for guidelines
Bring 3 question about the reading to aid in dicussion; turn them in
Tuesday,5 Feb 2019

Thursday,7 Feb 2019
the Plan
Multimodal project work day: bring computers to class
Multimodal project: Annotated bibliography 2 (second 5 sources). See project for guidelines
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (3)
Turn in goals for work to be completed by 14 Feb before the end of class

Week 5
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Heuer, "from Being Caribou" (p. 417)
Vitebsky, "The Reindeer People" (p. 499)
Turn in dialectical notebook with at least 3 entries
104: Cooper, Hanna, & Meghan
Tuesday,12 Feb 2019
the Plan
Multimodal project work day: bring computers to class
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (4)
Turn in goals for work to be completed by 19 Feb before the end of class
Thursday,14 Feb 2019

Week 6
the Plan
Multimodal project workshop 1
Draft should be about 75% complete
Publish digital projects before class
Be prepared to present project to class
Tuesday,19 Feb 2019

Thursday,21 Feb 2019
Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
"Wisgaak Gokpenagen: A Black Ash Basket" (p. 141)
"Mishkos Kenomagwen: The Teachings of Grass" (p. 156)
Turn in reading response (at least 500 words)
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (5)
104: Sydney & Hannah

Week 7
the Plan
Multimodal project work day: bring computers to class
Tuesday,26 Feb 2019
​Turn in goals for work to be completed by 5 Mar before the end of class
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Zack & Liebezeit, "Teshekput in the Arctic's Biggest Wetland" (p. 91)
Fair, "In Calloused Human Hands" (p. 387)
Turn in dialectical notebook with at least three entries
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (6)
105: Kyle, Allie, & Nicole
Thursday,28 Feb 2019

Week 8
the Plan
Multimodal project workshop 2
Draft should be about 90% complete
Publish digital projects before class
Be prepared to present project to class
Tuesday,5 Mar 2019

Thursday,7 Mar 2019
Nathan, Enduring Seeds (in the Readings folder)
"Wild Rice"
"Harvest Time"
Sherman w/Dooley, The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen (in the Readings folder)
"Wild Rice"
"The Language of Corn"
Turn in reading response (at least 500 words)
First Review due by midnight
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (7)
105: Josh, Brett, & Max
Spring Break: 11-15 March

Week 9
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Lord, "from Early Warming: Crisis and Response in the Climate Changed North" (p. 39)
Cone, "from Silent Snow" (p. 125)
​Turn in dialectical notebook with at least three entries
Multimodal project due by midnight
digital projects should be published by midnight
non-digital projects: talk with me about the best time to tun in your project
104: Karah & Cheyanne
Tuesday, 19 Mar 2019
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
O'Neill, "The Fall of the Yukon Kings" (p. 142)
Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
"Burning Cascade Head" (p. 241)
Turn in reading response (at least 500 words long)
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (8)
104: Cade
Thursday,21 Mar 2019
Week 10
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Ott, "They Have No Ears" (p. 53)
Mangason, "Protecting the Apples but Chopping the Trees" (p. 107)
Turn in three discussion questions
Solution paper: annotated bibliography 1 (first five sources). See the Solution paper assignment for details
104: Dylan, Austin, & Justin
Tuesday, 26 Mar 2019
Thursday, 28 Mar 2019
Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass​
"Old-Growth Children" (p. 277)
"Witness the Rain" (p. 293)
Turn in dialectical notebook with at least three entries
Solution paper: annotated bibliography 2 (second five courses). See the Solutions paper assignment for details
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (9)
104: Matt & Matt

Week 11

Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
"The Council of Pecans" (p. 11)
"Epiphany of Beans" (p. 121)
"The Three Sisters" (p. 128)
"People of Corn, People of Light" (p. 341)
​Turn in dialectical notebook with at least four entries (at least one entry per reading)
104: Lilly & Nicole
Tuesday, 2 Apr 2019
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Shearer, "from Kivalina: A Climate Change Story"
Turn in three discussion questions over the reading
Solution paper workshop 1: bring three hard copies of your draft. Draft should be at least 75% done
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (10)
104: Lexi, Alexa, & Sidney
105: Dillon & Ben
Thursday, 4 Apr 2019
Week 12
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Miller, "Broken Promises: The Reality of Big Oil in America's Arctic" (p. 179)
Miller, "from Midnight Wilderness" (p. 430)
Turn in reading response (at least 500 words long)
105: Hayden
Tuesday, 9 Apr 2019
Thursday, 11 Apr 2019
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Murie, "from Two in the Far North" (p. 405)
Turn in three discussion question over the reading
Solution paper workshop 2: bring three hard copies of your draft. Draft should be at least 90% done
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (11)

Week 13
Sustainability March
McCracken Hall to Walter Hall
1:00-1:45 pm
Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
"Windigo Footprints" (p. 303)
"Defeating Windigo" (p. 374)
​Turn in reading response (at least 500 words long)
104: Johnathan & Evan
Tuesday, 16 Apr 2019
Banerjee, Arctic Voices
Wallis, "Past and Present, Culture in Progress" (p. 486)
Turn in three discussion questions over the reading
Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (12)
105: Abby, Tylar, & Roxy
Thursday, 18 Apr 2019
Week 14
the Plan
Watch Princess Mononoke in class. Finish on Thursday. You may choose to do your second film review over this film.
Please do not schedule your revision conference over your class period. Conferences held during the class periods will be in the hall or near the classroom.
Tuesday, 23 Apr 2019

Thursday, 25 Apr 2019
Finish watching film.
Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass​
"Allegiance to Gratitude" (p. 105)
​Look at and contribute to and comment on the course blog: <http://engl3100jf18.blogspot.com>. If you cannot comment or contribute, let me know. (13)


Course Reflection due in your folder on Drive by midnight
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Monday, 29 April 2019
Solution paper due in your folder in Drive by midnight. Please make sure that all drafts, comments, and SWC slips are also in your folder
Second film review due in your Review folder by midnight