An open mind
We will be reading about a variety of topics dealing with Indigenous and environmental rhetorics. Be prepared to listen to the opinions of your fellow classmates. Others may have new insight into the reading or topic that you have not considered yet. Please have an open mind so that you can consider the variety of possibilities and points of view.
You are all able to speak you minds, but you need to be respectful and listen to others when they speak theirs. Being respectful in this manner means that you need to try to avoid interrupting others and talking over them. However, do not be afraid to express your opinion. Your classmates should express a willingness to listen to and consider your opinion. You should do the same for them. Also, please try to keep all comments on topic and related to the intellectual conversation the class is engaged in and try not to let your opinions of a person color your response to the discussion. You should also remember that you are not the only person with an opinion. Please do not consume discussion or not allow time for others to express their opinions.
I expect you to communicate with your classmates and with me. This classroom is a community. You should feel comfortable within it. Respect for yourself, others, and the instructor will help build this community. If you are having a problem with another student, with me, with the way class is handled, with anything in your life that is affecting your performance in class, or with class work please come see me to discuss possible solutions.
You are all equal within this classroom and with regards to this class. You all have the same requirements and responsibilities. Please respect this equality.

Images: (1) Hailstorm in Kansas by Jim Reed from CNN on Pinterest; (2) Flower from 500px.com; (3) Tree Roots by Wei-Feng Xue on Board Panda