Film Reviews

I would like you to compose two film reviews over the course of the semester. I would like you to look specifically at documentaries related to climate change and/or Indigenous peoples. I highly recommend that you attend the Spring Sustainability Series events (see website for days and times) at the Athena Cinema on Court Street. If you cannot attend any of those films, you might watch:
Bill Nye: Science Guy (Netflix)
A Plastic Ocean (Netflix)
Chasing Coral (Netflix)
True Cost (Netflix)
First Contact: Lost Tribe of the Amazon (Netflix)
Cooked (4 episode series on Netflix)
The Anthropologist (Amazon Prime)
You might look at the Athena Cinema's Spring Sustainability Series for ideas from past events. Also check PBS for series, such as Native America.
We will watch Princess Mononoke in class the last week. You may do your second review over this film.
Reviews should be one page (500 words minimum), single spaced, with a heading and title. Reviews should follow the Book Review format as outlined on Purdue OWL. Also include a works cited at the end of your review. Reviews are due: before 7 March and before 29 April at midnight.
More reviews may be done for extra credit or to make up absences.