Writing assignments
I expect you to be committed to this class. As such, I expect you to complete your assignments to the best of your ability, which includes reading and following directions, dressing appropriately, and applying yourself to the work being done.
Writing assignments should follow 2016 MLA format guidelines for font and font size, numbering, margins, indentations, spacing and citations (writing assignments include all essays and any daily assignments that I request you turn in during class). Please title all daily assignments, in-class writings, and essays.

Reading Responses
Weekly reading responses should be turned in hard copy during class, as directed on the schedule. These responses should be one page (minimum), single spaced, with a heading and title. Responses should include your thoughts on the readings, no more than three short quotations or paraphrases, and some connections between the assignment and other materials you have encountered or lived experiences you have had. Also include a works cited at the end of your response.

Discussion Questions
Be prepared to write 3 discussion questions related to the assignment. Turn these in at the end of class. Discussion questions can be hand written.
Late Work
Deadlines are extremely important. Your final grade on an essay will drop one letter grade for each day it is late, including weekends, as project assignments are to be submitted via Google Drive/Docs unless otherwise notified. In-class writings and activities cannot be made up.
Daily assignments done outside of class will only be accepted in hard copy in class the day they are due unless other arrangements have been made.
If you think you will have trouble meeting a deadline, please contact me before the due date to discuss your options.
Dialectical Notebook
When dialectical notebooks are assigned, you much submit at least 3 entries. Each entry consists of 1 quotation from the reading paired with your response to that quotation. Normally, dialectical notebooks are done in a chart: quotations on the left and responses on the right. Please type.

Academic Dishonesty
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! All work submitted in this course must be your own and must be written exclusively for this course. The use of sources—ideas, quotations, paraphrases—must be properly documented. The usual penalty for academic dishonesty is an “F” in the course. There may be additional penalties such as suspension or expulsion from the university. Please see me, or go to the Writing Center, if you have any questions regarding the use of sources.

Using Google for Email, Drive, and Blogging
We will use Google for email correspondance, Google Drive for our documents, and Blogger for ongoing discussion of current events related to what we are discussing in class. To that end, I would like you to share your Gmail account address with me. It is the one I will use for course communication. When you share it with me, I will share the course folder and a folder for you on Drive, and I will add you to the course blog. If you do not have a Gmail account, please create one and share it. Please check your email and the blog regularly. Contribute to the blog at least once each week.

You/your group (not more than 3 members) will pick either an article from the reading list or of your choice to present to/teach the class and lead discussion on. These presentation should consist of 20 minutes of presented material and about 20 minutes of discussion. The two requirements can be intergrated for a 40 minute presentation/discussion time. We will pick dates/groups early on in the semester. You are welcome to choose a reading that is already on the schedule or pick a reading from the Readings folder in Drive or an article of appropriate length and content to share and present on. All materials should be to me by no later than two weeks from the date when presentations are chosen.
Projects will be largely done online or in a multimodal space. Smaller projects will include:
Film reviews for films viewed in class and for the two films presented during the Fall Sustainability Film Series at the Athen Cinema on Court Street that you are required to view. Film reviews should be 500 words and follow the book review format availble on Purdue OWL as much as possible
A Reflection that covers the entire semester
Larger projects will include:
The Solution Paper
The Revision of either the Mulitmodal Project or the Solution Paper